Creating a Team P.O.V.©
Creating a Team P.O.V.© is a facilitated process through which in-tact teams create or validate their shared definition of team and their shared accountability for how to collectively achieve outstanding results.
Frequently followed by the Connected Teamwork Program a facilitated team-building process through which in-tact teams build relationships and practices to achieve outstanding results.
To Learn More
Connected teams are high performance teams. They are defined as teams that achieve superior results and sustain their success over time. They are connected through their Team P.O.V.© (point of view) – a shared definition of their purpose, vision and values. The Team P.O.V.© guides and drives their individual and collective decisions, actions, and behavior as they work to achieve superior results. The Team P.O.V.© is shaped by the prior experiences, competencies, and the values of team members and the team leader, the culture and the context in which the team operates, and their beliefs about teaming and teamwork.
When creating a Team P.O.V.© the team leader and team members will be asked to consider:
The nature of their team’s role in the greater organization.
The reasons why, and the manner in which, their team is expected to interact with other teams
The individual and shared responsibilities, authority, and accountabilities that members accept.
The functional / task related competencies and the teaming and interpersonal competencies required of individual members, and/or of all members.
Their expectations of themselves and each other including the manner in which they will relate to and work with each other.
The alignment of personal values and agendas with the team’s values and purpose.
How they will measure, and hold themselves accountable, for deciding, acting, relating or otherwise behaving consistently with their shared purpose, vision and values.
They will also consider the processes and criteria that will best serve them when:
making decisions.
resolving personal conflicts.
resolving task conflicts.
encouraging and tasking risks.
sharing information within and outside their team.
When using the Team P.O.V.© process with leadership teams the process will also include consideration of the dynamics between three roles each leadership team member may serve within the organization.
Functional Role
Required to bring a level of knowledge and professional or technical expertise to their assigned function(s).
Team Leader Role
Required to develop and lead a high-performance team for the unit(s) or function(s) that they are charged with leading.
Leadership Team Role
Required to contribute their best ideas and skills to the strategic focus and decisions that serve the operational and strategic needs of the team’s organization.